Friday, January 14, 2011

Catching Up!

 Hey everyone! Today is my second full day at sea! I’m sorry I haven’t posted anything until now, but I’ll try my best to catch everyone up on my adventure to the Bahamas, the excitement of leaving the Bahamas, and my experiences while being at sea for 2 nights and 2 days.

Well, my last blog was written as I was sitting on the plane at DFW waiting to take off and I was rushing to post something as I assumed the plane would leave on time and all electronics needed to be turned off! However, making assumptions that your plane will leave on time is never a good idea because you can bet that 50% of the time you will be delayed. So after the plane barely pulled away from its gate the pilot made an announcement saying that the left engine needed fixing. As you could imagine that didn’t help the level of stress that most people experience while traveling! The plane proceeded to taxi back to the gate so mechanics could look at the engine. So after sitting on the plane for 45 minutes the pilot comes back on the intercom announcing, “Well after a quick pound of a hammer we’re all set and ready to go, but as we were back at the gate we allowed for one more passenger to board the plane so we are going to run the safety video one more time.” After a long wait and a safe flight, the other girls on my flight and I decided once we landed in Miami that the person they let on must have been famous because we saw their body guard on the plane. In conclusion, there wasn’t anything wrong with our plane; it was just a cover to allow the famous person to board our plane. Luckily our flight leaving Miami to take us to the Bahamas was also delayed due to heavy fog earlier Tuesday morning or we would’ve missed that flight completely. Once again, never make assumptions when it comes to traveling by plane because we didn’t end up leaving Miami until 5:30 or so! Our original flight was scheduled to leave by 1:25 earlier that afternoon. About one third of the passengers on the plane going to the Bahamas were semester at sea students so it was fun getting to talk with them before we even left Miami. After a long drawn out process that involved waiting in a bus for almost 2 hours as the plane had to cool off and discovering that the plane weighed to much; therefore, having to take out fuel to lighten the load, we finally took off!!! We watched the sunset from the airplane window as we flew over the ocean and eventually arrived in Nassau, Bahamas. The adventure of making my way to the Bahamas didn’t end there! Sure enough all of the semester at sea students’ luggage traveling on the plane from Dallas got left in Miami! After an extremely long day of traveling we received our bags at our hotel around midnight. Just in time to get ready for bed and go to sleep!

P.S.- Cato, I met your friend Daniel as we were getting off the same plane after landing in Nassau!!! I was not expecting to meet him the first day of traveling, but God had different plans!

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